

Submissions are closed now!


All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the conference. The Scientific Committee decides which abstracts will be accepted and to which topic/theme the abstract is assigned. These decisions will be based upon the subject and quality of the abstract as well as suitability in the program and number of submissions.

Submission guidelines 

Please use the submission forms that are provided below to write your abstract. Abstracts have to be submitted through this website as a Word file. The submission deadline is February 7th 2025, 23:59. We welcome the following submissions: 

Oral presentations will be scheduled in sessions of approximately 45 minutes, consisting of three presentations. Poster and demo presentations will be held in a dedicated session. Time will be scheduled to pitch your poster or demo. Symposiums have to capture a coherent set of three to four individual presentations that highlight different perspectives on a relevant theme within eHealth. They have to be organized by a minimum of two different organizations and may take ±45 minutes. Workshops are expected to be interactive and last ± 45 minutes.  

Notification of acceptance

All abstracts received will undergo formal review by the Scientific Committee and independent reviewers.

The outcome of this review will be notified on the 8th of March 2025.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the (digital) version of the conference abstract book.


Withdrawal requests should clearly state the reason for withdrawal. All authors must approve the abstract retraction. Please email a copy of the abstract, letter of withdrawal, and statement indicating all authors approving the withdrawal to